5 years ago my relationship was going through a challenge and many told me to leave.
End it all.
Walk away.
Start over.
We were close to that. . .living in separate rooms under the same roof.
Why did I stay?
Something intuitively knew that our love was stronger than this circumstance.
You see right around the same time I had learned about coaching and started to do some health and life coaching schooling. Within a couple experiences I learned the concept of healing self first.
I realized how much I had never truly dealt with my own shit and without doing that there was no way I was going to have a truly loving relationship with anyone.
In that moment I took radical responsibility for me and decided to do the work.
Some saw this as “taking blame” for something “i didn’t do”. . .
They weren’t ready for what I knew. . . I was doing this for my healing first and then us.
Some told me that I can’t change another person so don’t waste my time. . .
They didn’t know what I knew. . . .I was doing this for me first and then us.
Some told me I was being stupid and taken advantage of. . .
They didn’t see what I saw from the inside. . . .I wanted to feel love fully, for self first then us.
A question I ask daily of myself. . .
What would love do? (Which I have tattooed on my wrist now as a permanent reminder 😍)
I knew from a place of love that we both needed to heal.. .
We both needed to feel safe to love.
We both needed to love ourselves.
We both needed to let ourselves be loved by another.
Leaving would have been the easy road.
Staying, healing, loving, and receiving, is the harder longer road.
It was worth every moment to now experience moments like this together.
6 weeks away from getting married and some call that making it official.
We made it official when we decided to heal, grow and love together 5 years ago. ❤️❤️❤️
Love is a choice. And it starts with self. Once we do that another will be able to love
you and you will be willing to receive it.
Much love 😘
Coach Jackie
PS. I love you mostestest Michael J. Morris !!