4 years ago this month a DREAM began to come to fruition that I didn’t even know was a dream of mine!!
RV living full time dream was decided, RV was purchased, Truck fell into our lap and now we are officially 3 years full time RV living this month!!
6 years ago this month a DREAM began to come to fruition that I knew was a dream of mine but I had no idea how.
I began life and health coaching schooling, got fired from a job, decided to bet on me, and now I am a 6 figure a year earning business owner doing what I absolutely love!!
Do you have a DREAM?
Do you have a VISION?
Do you have DESIRES?
You all do but it’s not always clear. . .
It feels hard to think beyond today and the moment you are in. . .
It can feel scary to dream, vision and desire because what if it never happens. . .
Time to DREAM again!!
Time to create the VISION!!
Time to receive your DESIRES!!
Stop waiting. . .worrying. . .thinking. . .doubting. . . .wasting time!
You get to have what you want!
You get to do what you want!
You get to experience it all!
You get to be you and love the life you live!
The core of my soul is LOVE and FREEDOM and that is what I want to help you experience so fully that you can’t even believe this is the life you are living!
It is TIME to love the journey!
It is time to experience the WEALTH!
It is time to have the CONFIDENCE!
Work with me and your life WILL change!
You will have more FREEDOM and LOVE in your life!
You will get to have more of the life you DESIRE!
PM me if you want to jump on a Vision call with me to help make this happen!
Just take the no brainer leap into my Destiny Makers membership for less than 2 bucks a day and have this kind of energy and possibility in your life everyday!!
Here is the link to join my Womens Freedom Movement!! The Destiny Makers Membership! https://jackiecotecoaching.thrivecart.com/dm-membership/
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor
Thank you Michael J. Morris for always believing in me and being in this crazy ride with me!