
Interested in Booking Jackie to Speak?

Jackie is a Freedom Mentor who has gone from 30 years in leadership management in the restaurant business to living a life of complete freedom and adventure by building her own 6 figure coaching business and full time RV nomad life traveling the country. She gets to do what she wants, when she wants, wherever she wants to without having to ask for permission from anyone including herself! Now she is on a mission to inspire as many as she can to live their freedom life they love!

Jackie’s Media Appearances

Starting a Business Simplified


Creative Collaboration Show

At The Table, with Women In Leadership

The Breakthrough Show Network

The Abundance Journey

The Create a Life You Love Video Podcast

The Yakking Show Podcast

The Create a Life You Love Video Podcast

Biz Help For You

Define Your Own Path Podcast

Horse Power: Empowerment Through Connection

Gab Talks

360 Wisdom Speaks

Entrepreneur Experts Cafe

Sunday Soul Podcast

Back To Me Podcast – Exploring Wellness Your Way

Fave Creator Studio

Forward Friday

Fave Live

Net 2.0

Women’s Network of USA

Live. Love. Engage. Podcast

Focus7 Daily

Sing Your Heart Song

Transend with Whitney

Heros of the Heart with Steve
