Wow!! 7 years and a complete year of living in a 44 foot box and we still like eachother!! 🤣🤣🤣
We get to add to the list below from last year, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Tennessee, and now back to Virginia!
Its a blessing to find another human who wants to take the ride with me of constant change, adventure and freedom!
Some of the biggest things I have learned this year. . .
❤️We change within the same relationship multiple times over the years and we have to communicate, learn, honor and appreciate each other from where we are at now.
❤️Daily talk about what you are grateful for and appreciate about eachother now in the present.
❤️Remember why you fell in love with eachother in the first place. We usually get annoyed with exactly what we fell in love with in the beginning!
❤️Communicate your desires to eachother and don’t assume they know. Don’t stuff it down, share it.
❤️Respecting each other is more important than “loving” each other. Actions speak louder than words.
Im looking forward to what 2023 will bring us!!
We got places to go, people to see, business to grow, fun to be had, more love to be experienced.