What is in your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow in life? 🌈
Mine happens to be a life full of love, joy, peace, fun, laughter, travel, and apparently a 44ft box home! 🤣😜🤣
I’ve had all of these things throughout my life but at a surface level.
A level that felt safe because ultimately my belief was that love, joy, money, peace doesn’t stay.
It wasn’t until I started re-writing my story 4 years ago that I let these things be present in my life and actually stay. 🤗❤️😍
Not every person you love leaves.
Not every situation ends up in chaos.
Not every joy ends up in tears.
Not every bit of money disappears
It gets to be different. . . .
For me
For you
For us
When we decide it to be different. 💯🙌❤️
So what do you want to have at the end of the rainbow to be in your life?
Much love
Coach Jackie
Freedom Empowerment Mentor