She is someone who. . .
Believes she is meant for more
Expands the context of her vision as she grows
Knows wealth is her birthrate
Walks side by side with like-minded women
Decides and moves towards her desires
Stands in certainty of her gifts
Trusts in self and her inner knowing
Connects with her higher power
Receives love fully from self and others
Awakens those parts of her that are dying to come out and play
Empowers her ways of being and her freedom life
Own every part of who she is being and becoming unapologetically
The Freedom Seeker becomes a Destiny Maker!
Give me a hell yeah if this is you!
Give me a I want that if you aren’t there but want to be!
Give a hell no if this isn’t your jam!
Much love
Coach Jackie ❤️
Your Freedom Mentor