This is a first and it felt right to do!
Sometimes we are in such a go go mentality that when we have a break we feel like we need to keep going and do do do.
We think we haven’t done enough and we lack in trust that we have.
Walk and feed dogs
Walk 2 plus miles
Dishes and laundry
Do posts for social
Networking meeting
Two connect calls
Take dogs out again.
Teach newly blind fur baby to fetch
Break time!
Three calls this afternoon still to come so let’s recharge however we need to.
We get to make that choice for self anyway we want to. You decide!
And btw you are enough and are doing enough. Lean into trust and surrender more and see what happens!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor
PS Join me this Thursday August 24th at 10am mtn to learn more about how to Awaken the leader within so that making choices like this is easy!