I sat their last week and listened to a couple of the women read their chapters and I was in awe of their journeys, their strength, their writing skills, and yeah my critter brain started to go bananas!!
I thought man is my stuff good enough?
Is my story impactful enough?
Will people feel my story like I felt theirs?
I knew this was natural to feel. And im glad I did because that showed how powerful this overall project will be for all to read once done.
Today after I finished my edits I walked away and came back and sat down and read it outloud to myself.
I cried
I felt it
I lived it
I matter
Whats funny is that part of the chapter is about how I learned that I mattered and I am loved recently from the experience I wrote about.
Small part of the wrap up of the chapter:
“What this challenging experience gave me was the final puzzle piece of my foundation of love.
This foundation of love is what will help everything you do come with more ease and grace. It is what catapults you to your highest levels. It’s what will create the most beautiful authentic relationships you have ever experienced. It’s what will replace any doubt and fear you have about life. Love is the driving factor to it all.
With Love we are unstoppable!”
My mission is to help you complete your puzzle and fully embody the love and light you bring to the world so you can feel unconditional self love and be unstoppable! It’s time to shift from the “I got it girl” who has learned they must be in control and do it all by themselves, to the new “WE got it girl!” who trusts she is fully supported and loved unconditionally.
You are never alone because I am here by your side my friend.
Much love to all!
Coach Jackie
2 spots open for mid-February start date for one on one mentorship. PM me to apply.