I started the day with a 9am call with one of my clients who is also my virtual assistant and during the call I got a text with info about family that shook me and brought me to tears immediately.
The past “I got it Girl” in me would have tried to hold back the tears and push through the call and show that she’s got it!
Not this woman. This Jackie let it go!
I let the ugly cry kick in and the tears flow down my face. And blew my nose loudly and unapologetically.
She knew I was scared, upset, worried, and needed to let it out. She didn’t say much except that it was ok to let it all out. Hearing that made it come out even more.
That’s what community and this work is all about. This. Right. Here.
Fuck that corporate bullshit!!
The stories that we were told to not cross lines, your clients aren’t your friends, dont get too close, don’t share too much and blah blah blah!!
My clients have become some of my best friends and thats why they can TRUST me.
My clients know EVERYTHING I am going through in life and thats why they work with me.
My clients feel SAFE in my world because they know they can be themselves 100% of the time no matter what.
My clients and I RISE together because of the shit we go through and support each other through.
Stop letting society or your old programming tell you that it isn’t safe to get close to people and LOVE one another.
In my world. . .
LOVE is how we lead
JOY is how we live
GRACE is always given
BEING you is the only way to BE
PEACE is the norm even in the chaos
FREEDOM is our birth right
If this sounds like a place you want to live and be part of PM me and share the ways we can welcome you into our family!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom and Love Mentor