Why do they?
Because I’m offering a ton of value in my membership for less than $2 a day or a dinner out to eat.
Why would I do this?
Because I just got a FB reminder last week that woke me back up on my mission!!
I wrote on a wall at a function in 2019 that i wanted to help 100,000 women love themselves exactly how they are right now in this moment and have the energy, confidence, and freedom they desire!
The Destiny Makers Membership is designed to do just that!
Sometimes in this journey we get lost in the “trying to get it right” mode with marketing statements, good content, offers etc and lose site of the fact that just BEing us and sharing our passion is what this world needs from us!
I wrote this on that wall before I did any training around “what to say”. And this right here still stands true to what I want for every women who crosses my path!!
So if you want in on this mission for you give me a “I’m in!!” in the comments and I’ll shoot you the link to join the mission!
Much love all!
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor