I’m beyond excited to welcome Tina Tesch-Myers to the Destiny Makers Membership!

Tina is the one who helped Mike and I convert our kitchen to a safe place. Switching out the plastic and non stick to bamboo, glass, ang toxic free tools.

Why? Because he passion for the earth and the oceans in particular is contagious! She makes you want to do better from a place of love and passion for our health and the world’s health we are living in.

She is from Australia and has the my favorite accent ever so that also adds to the “I like her and trust her” factor!

Tina is in Washington state near the Seattle area, has a son she adores and as she says her sexy husband. Love it!

If you don’t know her you need to!

I’m so excited to have you in this journey and my womens freedom movement my friend!

You are a true Destiny Maker and Freedom Creator my friend!

Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor

If you want to join the Destiny Makers family PM me or Chuck the info here: https://jackiecotecoaching.thrivecart.com/dm-membership/

If you want to connect with Tina message her! And here a link to some of her stuff