What do you do to “be productive” on a day that has no technical plans and you’re free to choose anything?

Today is a free day to do what I desire to do for personal and/or business while my man works for the day.

Here is the list. . .what would you choose?

1. Writing time for my book.
2. Sort and gut clothes to clear space in my limited RV bedroom.
3. Clean the RV- vacuuming, steam clean rugs, dust, etc.
4. Finalize plans for my trip in August to NJ,PA,MD,NOVA, and landing in VA beach.
5. My growth work for a program that I’m in that helps review first half of year and set up second half of year.
6. Forget about it all and go get a pedicure.

Or just sleep like the dogs do all day between walks! Lol

Things I’ve already done before noon. . .

1. Dishes and clean kitchen.
2. Walk and feed dogs.
3. Plan and book Idaho trip for networking event in October.
4. Sort mail, deposit money, pay bills, and follow up on emails.
5. Listen to a training video for the lifewave technology that Mike and I use.
6. Review my colonoscopy prep for this Wednesday appointment. Yay me! Lol

Thats just part of the long list of never ending “things to do”. It can be overwhelming and cause us to freeze and do nothing.

I know that happens to me often!

Two things that help me is writing out the things I have already done and realizing that I have already been productive and celebrating that!

If I don’t recognize that I can sit in the thoughts of “I’ve done nothing and im such a slacker” which then of course creates negative emotions and even less to no actions taken.

Having both lists of what is done and what I would like to get done out there helps me take more steps towards getting things done.

Will I get it all done? Probably not!

Will I get more than I would have by being intentional and aware? Hell yeah!

How do you support yourself in taking action and getting stuff done each day?

Lots of people have been sharing with me their new planners that are setting them up for the rest of the year.

Whats your go to thing?

Much love
Coach Jackie

PS Please know there are days that I can try all the things and still do nothing and that’s ok! We also have to honor where we are at and if the energy is low due to health or mental challenges that day. This is when the “doing” needs to shift to the “being” to help move through those days so you can get back to neutral and happy states moving forward.