Stop hiding in the communities of dreams!!

Let me start by saying I’m a firm believer in both a strong supportive community and private 1:1 mentorship and that is why I have the hybrid program that I do for my clients.

The concept of the large group communities that help with the “inner work” can be amazing but what I’m seeing is that many are investing over $10k or more for 6 months to be amongst others that are also ready “to do the work” but they are never stepping up and out to be seen or taking action with what they learn.

The large group concept is great! And I’ve been in them and loved them!

I have also hidden in them when I didn’t want to face my own shit and grow to my next level.

There are times to be part of these groups and there are crucial times you need to be in close proximity with a mentor that can see YOU and what YOU can’t see in yourself.

To help shine the light on the stuff that needs healing and help support YOU and hold YOU directly accountable to YOUR true desires.

When you are in these large groups it’s so easy for the following to happen:
1. Get lost in the crowd and just be an observer and never truly be seen in your magic.
2. Get caught up in others successes and begin to reflect in a way that defeats you and comes from a place of self judgement.
3. Get stuck in the clouds of dreams and vision and never take action cause there is no one to hold you accountable.

What does work is the following:
1. If you have created solid day to day behaviors and discipline that you will take action without needing support or accountability because you have already done deep solo self mentorship some point on your journey.
2. If you have a solo mentor and the group program at the same time which gives you a community where you can walk side by side with other like minded souls while getting a curated system created just for you with your solo mentor.
3. Getting a solo mentor to create support, accountability, and a curated system for you only, to ensure you are first and then adding in the groups to compliment this.

For me I started with Health Coach Institute, HCI, and learned what coaching even was because in 2018 I had never even heard of the field of coaching.

Once I saw what was possible and realized I wanted to pursue building my own thing I immediately hired a solo mentor and asked her to help me build a business like she had!

The first 9 months of that journey I was cracked open like a walnut, crying and releasing almost everyday, and realizing that I would have never taken the action and built my 6 figure business as fast as I did if I had not shone the light soley on me first.

I was willing to do the hard shit!

I didn’t know what the hard shit was until I did it! Lol

I remember saying to my mentor sarcastically. . . .WTF??? This isn’t what I signed up for!! And she laughed and replied. . .Oh yes you did!

No matter where you are on your journey of business and life this solo mentorship piece must happen when we are in a place of losing trust in self and our inner knowing.

After all of that crying and building with my mentor I left and went into large groups and loved it.

And guess what??

Im back with her for sessions when I need them to get back to ME!

We get to design this journey the way we want to but if we can’t hear ourself and trust what we hear and know to be aligned for us then we need an outside mentor to help us get back to us.

Im here if you are at a place in your journey that you need an adjustment, a mirror, and kick in the ass to get back to YOU!!

Much love