You have a plan for the day and you’re ready to go!!!
Then one decision by another changes it all. . .
What do you do?
You pivot. Adjust. Decide differently.
Instead of daycare, we start the day back home with a workout together!
I have to work and he will play and that’s OK.
My clients understand that he might interrupt and that’s OK.
I get to spend more time with him between cuteness clients and that is SOOOO OK!
This is temporary for me but this is everyday life for many single mamas. It’s hard!
How do you stay sane and not give up?
You reach out for help.
You talk to someone.
You breathe. . .a lot.
You trust it’s all going to work out.
You remember that you are a total badass.
You surrender to what you think is supposed to look like.
You trust God has your back.
You are never alone.
I am sending love to all who might need it today!
Borrow my belief that everything works out for you! For me! For all!
Much love
Coach Jackie