Almost 2023!
So what’s your word for 2023?
If you haven’t done this before think about what you want to experience more of in the new year.
2019 was Worthy. I wanted to feel my own unconditional love because I realized how for moat of my life I didn’t love myself or felt worthy of love. Now I know I was born worthy of it all!
2020 was Show up. With all the change that was going on, I knew that as long as I always showed up for myself and others from a place of service, all would work out. And it did as I crossed my frost 6 figure year that year.
2021 was Freedom. I gained time, love, money and location freedom and went full time RV living because of the online business I created. This is when I knew I was meant to be your Freedom Mentor.
2022 was Trust. Trust in self, my higher power, that inner knowing. And boy, did I have to trust in a lot of unknown being full-time RV traveling all year! I also learned to trust and listen to me and not all the noise.
2023 is going to be Expansion! It came to me the other day and so I sat with it to ensure it was right and last night I had a psychi reading and one of the first things she said to me was the word Expansion!!
Its time to take the amazing foundation I have built in of 1:1 coaching, group coaching, masterminds, membership, and retreats to the next level through possible projects such as podcast, book, entrepreneur support groups and so much more!
Share your word or thoughts on what it might be below. 👇👇👇
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor
So what’s your word for 2023?
If you haven’t done this before think about what you want to experience more of in the new year.
2019 was Worthy. I wanted to feel my own unconditional love because I realized how for moat of my life I didn’t love myself or felt worthy of love. Now I know I was born worthy of it all!
2020 was Show up. With all the change that was going on, I knew that as long as I always showed up for myself and others from a place of service, all would work out. And it did as I crossed my frost 6 figure year that year.
2021 was Freedom. I gained time, love, money and location freedom and went full time RV living because of the online business I created. This is when I knew I was meant to be your Freedom Mentor.
2022 was Trust. Trust in self, my higher power, that inner knowing. And boy, did I have to trust in a lot of unknown being full-time RV traveling all year! I also learned to trust and listen to me and not all the noise.
2023 is going to be Expansion! It came to me the other day and so I sat with it to ensure it was right and last night I had a psychi reading and one of the first things she said to me was the word Expansion!!
Its time to take the amazing foundation I have built in of 1:1 coaching, group coaching, masterminds, membership, and retreats to the next level through possible projects such as podcast, book, entrepreneur support groups and so much more!
Share your word or thoughts on what it might be below. 👇👇👇
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor