Saying YES to SELF! What does that really mean? For me this past 2 weeks it meant taking time off to see all the family and friends I have been able to see and not worrying about taking time off from the “DOing” of the business. Soaking in the moments with...
It’s testimonies like this that make me so grateful for Saying YES to SELF 5 years ago so I could do the work God has put me on this earth to do with others in my own way. Thank you Ann Pritchett for this beautiful story of your courage to SAY YES TO YOU and the...
How often do you say NO to your desires? But yes to everyone else’s needs and desires? It’s time to start saying YES TO SELF! Join me on August 22nd and 23rd at 3 pm EST/12 pm PST for the SAY YES TO SELF! Free masterclass. Sometimes we don’t realize...
Doing some work today after taking the week off traveling last week. Started the day with a dear friend Viki Mutarelli for some “coffee” time. So amazing catching up with another beautiful soul in my life! We talked about this next stage of life we are all...
Beyond blessed to get to spend time with this beautiful, sassy, real, sista from another mista! We tried a new taco place in Brambelton Ashburn area and my tacos were amazingly tasty! I suggest checking it out! We don’t have to talk or see each other for a while...