You are never too much! Has anyone ever told you that? If so its a lie! And if you love flowers there can never be too many surrounding your space! You get to decide! Yesterday I brought myself the ones on the right for my birthday to show myself love and my love...
Funny how the world puts things in your path to make you smile right when you need to!! Pic one: video call with dad. Being silly with him at 92 is the best! Pic two: my temp costco card they printed for me today says on it how I pay for it. . . .and yes the irony is...
So much duality on this day of my 52nd year of life! I’m overwhelmed with the love pouring in of posts, messages, texts and calls. If I don’t get a chance to get back to you please know how much it means to me! Thank you! I’ve cried twice for...
“You can measure the love you bring to each day by the joy you experience in each moment” -Tazo tea wisdom How do you experience love through joy? We live our love out through. . . Being silly in the simple moments of life while taking selfies. The things...
Feeling stuck in a cycle of financial uncertainty? Join me at the upcoming EmpowHER Wealth Summit! We’ll dive into strategies, resources, and support to help you break free from living paycheck to paycheck. With a lineup of seasoned professionals and women...