Drove up north to visit my friend Penny Axton Kidd from the Polkadot powerhouse organization and made a new friend with Rhonda! Building relationships in person crushes any virtual way of being. You get the vibe, feeling, connection, and trust so much faster and real!...
These two ladies made my visit to the Polkadot Powerhouse Foothills chapter visit so much fun! Sisterhood is what feeds my soul when it comes to being in business. Lara Kierstead Brzezinski did an amazing job as the speaker tonight and was totally speaking my...
Heading to Denver for 2 days to see some of my Polkadot Powerhouse ladies!! Just a short 2.5 hour drive. Lol but so worth it to hug real life people! Bonus I get to see one of my first Starbucks employees and dear friend that I haven’t seen in 20 years! Love the...
Starting the second half of the year with a focus on taking care of my health. Making the time for the usuals, mammogram,.(todays fun adventure) colonoscopy, (next weeks fun adventure) blood work, eye doctor, dentist, etc. This can be challenging being a full time...
Just me… BEing me. Morning fresh face, no filter necessary! No make up and wet hair Age spots Wrinkled forehead Crinkled nose Crows feet lines from smiling Extra chin lines Freckles and rosy cheeks Simple brown eyes One eye lazy from the pain of the shot Eyes...