“The moment I embrace my peace within and surrender the outcome is the moment that the Universe can truly work!” Perfect card pull again for where many of us are in our journey. We are holding on tight to what is or what we think it should look like and...
Anyone else obsessed with the beauty and stories you see when you look at trees? This one reminds me of life choices and the power we get to make them. . . Every day we get to make a choice. Yes or no.Up or down.Left or right.Go or stay. Life is never a straight...
Is anyone else contemplating life lately? Talking to themselves about what is going wrong or right? Watching my grandson this morning just sit and chill and talk from his imagination made me think about how much we are doing the same on autopilot and it’s...
Thank you Suzy Wraines for the beautiful testimony to the work we did together! “For those of you looking to break free from the routine you have in life… I recommend reaching out to Jackie Cote. As a client of Jackie Cote, I am honored to provide a...
It’s amazing how a simple thought or gesture can make someone’s day! I asked my soul sister Angie Erschens to mail me my key, which I left at her house when visiting, and it came with this simple note. Made me smile and feel so loved! It’s the little...