Gotta love the pic you tube picked for me for a training on intentional goal setting I did in a fellow business peers membership. Lol Many wouldn’t post this because it doesn’t look pretty, or professional, or whatever the story is!For me I see my fun,...
Where in your life would you like to trust yourself more in? Business decisions?Relationship communication?Financial choices?Health options?Support needs? Trust in self is what creates true FREEDOM! Join me November 8th for live coaching to move through what’s...
Omg look how much can change in one year!!! Last year we drove from Colorado to Virginia beach area to spend the winter with the kids and grandkids. This year we are here in Colorado for the winter without them. Cuteness galore! Love them so much! The memories from of...
Good morning all! I got this awesome surprise gift from my fellow nomad, neighbor, biz owner and friend Suzy Wraines to rmeind me to always “Remember your WHY” Thanks girl! Love it! Let’s all remember our WHY today and share below what that is! And...