There are times we doubt ourselves and need someone to hold us to the highest version of ourselves! I remember this day back in 2019 when we got our first professional pictures taken by Ginny Koontz DeLauder it is was Mike Morris that helped hold me up. While I felt...
One of my favorite moments as a coach is when my client feels comfortable enough to fully be themselves in a session. ❤😍❤ I mean full on out sailor mouth, don’t give a fuck, imperfectly perfect human BEing!! 🙌💯🙌 I...
Meet Karen Vaile, a Life and Mindset coach who specializes in communication and relationships. She will be 1 of the 5 other experts that will be part of my Freedom Creator Mastermind that kicks off officially in January 2024 but is open for early enrollment so you...
21 days till my next Freedom and Adventure Retreat retreat!!! Where powerful women come together in community, get real and raw, laugh a ton, get spoiled, cry a bit, own our magic more, and leave more free to be them in the world! Once you experience these 5 days you...
My heart is full! Today was one of those days that I woke up slow-moving, not quite sure about my energy, and bordering on negative thoughts to start the day. I know the concept, and teach it to my clients, of choice and the power we have to change our thoughts and...