First day back to talking dogs after 2 months and even with the cold in so happy to back to my movement and my pups!
The frozen trees, mountains and river bring such a peace over me that I forget the cold around me.
Today I am starting back to my morning routine and it feels great.
At the same time I’m recognizing thoughts that feel different about my surroundings after having the experience I’ve had the last two months.
I can tell both Mike and I have done some major personal growth without even trying to. Life happened….so growth happened… and we received it fully.
We are different people…. in the best way ever.
Now it’s time to take things day by day and trust the journey and who I’m being now in that journey!
Sounds weird right? Cause it feels weird!
Being fully aware of self the way I’m shifting is something that is hard to put into words.
You just know when you know.
That’s the work I help others do.
Standing in their truth and trusting the knowing.
You’re not sure why but you feel……
All the duality at the same time and at peace with it all.
You are calm in the chaos
You know you are safe
You trust you are supported
You feel it happening
You aren’t quite sure what that IT will look like but you know is fine be BIG!!
Are you ready to take this ride with me?
The ride of a lifetime in the now!
Much love
Coach Jackie
PS 10 days left to join fellow Freedom Creators in my mastermind and get 30% off with FREEDOM30 code!