This was the first thought I had when I woke up this morning and got ready for my firsrt calls since last Thursday.
It felt odd and rehearsed. . . Like it wasn’t me.
Did my 3 calls and realized I was done at 12 pm and none of it felt like work. Pure joy to be honest.
I realized in that moment and old version of me that worked and only got 2 weeks off and 2 days (sometimes) off a week.
There was always a “back to work” feeling. Like I had to leave my life and go to work.and leave work to live my life.
When you do what you love and love the life you live you wont need to escape either one.
So when I had the thought to get more work done or go and enjoy the pool in this 90 degree Yuma AZ weather I chose to enjoy the pool with my love for a couple hours.
Do you feel like you have to “get back to work” from a place of pressure or shoulds?
What if you came from a place of pleasure instead of pressure?
Much love
Coach Jackie