– One leaving for a family vacation to Italy for her birthday that she manifested
– One is choosing to build her side incomes so she can transition out of her full time gig
– One is stepping up her game in being seen doing daily fb lives and actually liking it this time round
– One has healed childhood trauma and is on fire creating collaborations with other business owners to explode her business
– One is in the gap of finally knowing her greatness and moving through the fear of owning it
– And I’m having a total reset in all areas of business and life that is testing me to own my next level and true power
This is one Tuesday night session of my Destiny Makers Mastermind conversations, shifts, growth, and support.
If you’re ready to go there… I mean fully go there. . . Then this is the place for you!
– We all walk side by side and awaken, empower, and own ourselves unapologetically to create our next level of freedom, wealth, and confidence.
– We are the Freedom Seekers becoming Destiny Makers!
PM me for the details of how to be part of this and make the second half of 2023 full of you!!