Deep thoughts. . .
By Coach Jackie
Best Day Of My Life
6 years ago today I received this package in the mail from my coaching school I had been enrolled in for 2 months so far. It just happened to be the day after I got fired and escorted out like a criminal from my job. Aka. The best day of my life! The first day I no...
If We Haven’t Met Yet Hello!
I am Coach Jackie your Freedom Mentor Are you a self-led woman who has survived life through staying in control and doing it all herself? That was me!! The "I got it girl!" who learned that if it's gonna get done I'm gonna be the one to make it happen. I created a...
God Has Your Back
Some days you just need to breathe and remember God has your back. . . You know those days when you wake up and feel this heavy dread in your head and body and wonder what is up? My life is good, I feel ok, and nothing “bad” is happening right now so why do I feel...
New Beginnings
I started a new app, walked to the park and played, then came home and did this 7-minute fun home workout of movement. He loved the marching part! 4500 steps so far to start the day!
Meeting Virtual Friends
So awesome meeting virtual friends!! Met at the VLOVE coffee shop and walked the beach and checked out some vendors at Funk Fest. The best way to get your walking/movement in is meeting up with a friend and enjoying nature and the sites around you. 4500 steps in for...
Final Takeaways
When I asked the ladies that joined me in my free masterclass "SAY YES TO SELF" the last two days what their biggest takeaway was they all said that there were so many that they couldn't pick just one! Here is the feedback from Jodi L Clemmer who was all in both days...
First Day Takeaways
Just some takeaways from the first half of my SAY YES TO SELF masterclass today!! Borrow the belief someone has in you for yourself until you are fully believing in yourself. If you don't say yes to you…What are you potentially saying No to? Time, Travel, experiences?...
Say Yes to Self Today!
Couple of days ago I was on a group call with one of my coaches and fellow peers of mine and I was sharing all the beauty of my life right now and how I feel good about it all. Then I shared the one where I felt off in. . . My health. I started sharing and tears...
Free Masterclass
2 days till YES to SELF free masterclass!! Are you signed up yet? If not sign up here: Can't make it live? Sign up and get the recordings afterward via email. Much loveCoach Jackie (Live will get you the opportunity for free live...