He said, “Let’s go camping in Virginia Beach for Labor Day weekend!” I was all in!
9 years ago we went on our first trip away together with the kids after being together for 9 months.
We drove down and the HURRICANE began! Lol
Yes, our first trip together was setting up a tent in the pouring rain, wind, and lightning! He was determined! Me and the kids were like “Ummmm let’s get a hotel??”
But we pushed through drenched and got set up and all piled in the tent to sleep.
We woke up the next morning to the most beautiful, perfect temperature, sunshine day!
All around us, trees fell on cars, cabins, and driveways! But we were fine! Nothing touched us!
This was a future forecast of our relationship and from that weekend on I knew this was the man I would end up with.
No matter the storm we encountered we got through it and came out on the other side brighter and happier.
I love you babe and the HURRICANE we got to go through together! I wouldn’t have it any other way. Lol
Oh, and it was my guest experience of “barf in a bag!” breakfast!
Who knows what that is?