Today I had a call with both my bookkeeper and my financial advisor/CFO of my business together.
Sitting there listening to how they both will be supporting me and making my 2024 amazing just made me so pumped to make shit happen for you all!
The first couple years of business I was the “I got it girl” trying to do my bookkeeping, taxes, financial planning all myself.
Why? Because I didn’t want to spend the money and didnt think I was big enough to need it.
What I have learned that changed my way of thinking:
1. Plan for where you are going not where you are at now.
If we want a different future when it comes to our financial picture we need to think differently and take actions differently than we have been that got us here today.
2. You dont have to be the best. . .you get to hire the best.
In the early stages this might look like a trade out of services and then you over time invest in the whole team. But start building this sooner than later. Financial confidence helps build the business.
3. Invest the money and time into mastering your money so you can make more, keep more, and invest in what you want more.
Go all in! I’ve always thought I was “all in” my business for 4 full years now and have had a consistent 6 figure income. It wasn’t until this fifth year that I decided to go all in and get real with myself and my money!
4. Stay in your lane and let your magic shine!
If finances aren’t your jam then stop wasting your time trying to make it your thing. This keeps you from doing what you are the expert at. Helping your clients!
The biggest thing this addition to my business has done for me is free up the mental worry, shame and guilt that I held around money for so long. The increase in confidence in self financially now gets to be used in changing lives with my magic.
And btw this doesn’t mean I’m where I want to be with my financial picture. And I’m grateful for where I am at now.
Yes I have credit card debt and loans
Yes I don’t have a ton of savings or retirement
Yes I haven’t made enough money to do what I desire to do
What it does mean is that I am on my way with intention and strategy and feel safe, calm, and excited about whats to come!
How about you?
Do you have a financial support team?
If so what does it look like?
If not what’s the plan moving forward?
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor