600 plus people with all the excitement and learnings you usually receive from large events like this. I had been to them for my jobs over the years and a couple when I did Primerica for a year or so.
But this one was different…
I felt a different energy.
An energy alignment.
An energy of possibility.
An energy of freedom.
It had been only 3 months since I was fired from my job and doing what I “should” be doing with applying to jobs and getting the safe salary.
But this event here was what solidified my knowing. . . .
✨️The knowing that I was meant for more than what I knew.
✨️The knowing that I wanted my freedom to do it my way.
✨️The knowing that I could help people in my own business doing what I love.
✨️The knowing it was possible because of all the people I was witnessing doing it right in front of me.
They had us write a post card to ourself that day speaking to ourself as the person who was doing it already and letting her know how proud she was of her and how much she was loved.
Then they mailed it to us a year later.
I remember tearing up when I received it a year later. . .
❤️I hadn’t given up and was still going for my freedom vision despite my money fears around making only 10k that year and investing 30k into myself and the biz.
❤️I was becoming that confident, amazing, free woman inside more and more everyday.
❤️I loved myself more than ever in my life and knew I was meant for my mission to help others do the same.
What I didn’t fully realize then that I know now is Freedom and Love are at the core of my mission in life and always have been.
I wrote FREEDOM on the top of the card and I LOVE YOU on the bottom way before I called myself the Freedom Mentor.
To all the coaches out there that are trying to get started but are frozen or stuck because of the right words, the right title, the write 20 word pitch and whatever else you think you need to get started, Im here to tell you. . .
👉Its never been the words. . .its the energy behind the words you say.
👉Its never been the title. . . .its how strongly you believe in who you are becoming.
👉Its never been the perfect pitch. . . .its standing in certainty for your mission when you say it.
4 years later, I stand in absolute certainty in my mission to help as many humans as possible step into their life of Freedom from a place of love and joy for self. 🙌💯❤️😘
Never give up on you!!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor
Next pop up group in December will be teaching exactly this! What I learned in that first year around strategy and mindset that set the foundation for the business I have today.
PM me for the deets!