Just some takeaways from the first half of my SAY YES TO SELF masterclass today!!
Borrow the belief someone has in you for yourself until you are fully believing in yourself.
If you don’t say yes to you…What are you potentially saying No to? Time, Travel, experiences?
Know what to say Yes to that serves you… and No that doesn’t.
Say Yes to your intuition.
Trust yourself more.
Saying No to yourself is reinforcing you are not good enough or worthy enough.
Live in a world where you play in your future vision and be present to enjoy it.
Negative self doesn’t serve you and it’s saying NO to being kind to self.
Swiping left on your life events for you on your phone doesn’t serve you.
It snowballs when we don’t do something that we say we will do and then we beat ourselves about what we didn’t do and deeper we go.
It goes the positive way too when you say yes to the thing you promised yourself, you in turn are proud and kind to yourself and get more done.
You have to believe before you will achieve and then you must be willing to receive.
No one can make me successful but me.
We are a jar and can’t see the label…we need someone to read the label for us.
Take the good stuff with you when moving forward. Leave the crap behind you.
Apply how strong you feel about the worry, anxiety, etc. Put that into saying yes, moving forward towards your desires.
When you say yes to self, are you all in?
Clean the space/the energy so you can focus on the things you want to do in life, you want to say yes to.
Letting go and say no is saying yes to yourself!
Lessen the expectations on yourself to focus on what you actually want.
Value Buckets: What are your 3 value buckets? Are you saying Yes to that, What are you doing for that, what do you need to say no to in order to do so?
We train people how to treat us.
Married the front end process, divorce the results.
Setting intentional goals what is that process, what is the journey to get there?
Let go of control more and trust more.
Still time to get in! We meet again today at 3pm EST and we will be live coaching on the following questions:
1. Where are you saying yes to self currently that you can celebrate? Make a list! (This could be areas you are saying no to so you can say yes to self)
2. Where are you saying no to self and denying your desires? Make a list! (This could be areas you are saying no to so you can say yes to self)
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So jazzed right now after that session!! Love that I get to do this work with amazing women!
Much love
Coach Jackie