Lost in a pool of thoughts that keep you stuck in no action land?
You have this great idea but have no idea how to get started so you sit in the getting ready to get ready mode?
You want to have ideas and vision but can’t get your brain to stop spiraling in past thoughts and fears?
You know you are meant for more than this predictable day to day but can’t see past the present situation into what’s possible?
And then there are times after great success and achievement that you just feel lost because it didn’t do what you thought it would once you actually achieved it. . . .
You feel like you might not be able to do it again or keep it up which would make you a one hit wonder.
So you once again feel a moment of being lost and wondering what now?
Feeling “lost” is OK and temporary if we decide it to be. It can also be forever if we decide that to be.
You aren’t lost, you’re just unclear and too IN the situation to see what’s possible.
Like that analogy. . . .you can’t read the label on the jar you are stuck in. That’s why we need other people to help us see what we can’t see. Help us read the label
The RIGHT people of course!
People that already see life through the lense of vision and possibility. Freedom vision peeps like me!
99.9% of the time we have the answers within us already but we doubt them or can’t access them due to past conditioning, stories, traumas etc.
The most successful people you follow out there on social experience this feeling juat as much.
It’s what they choose to make it mean and the action they take in response to it that makes their results start to happen or continue to happen.
What this means is you’re not alone and very normal to feel “lost” at times.
Be careful that with more success this can be sneaky and hide in different clothing.
Like the “Everything is working out for me, and the how will show up so I’ll just wait”
I have spoken similar words outloud and to myself. It’s what energy, meaning and action behind it that needs to be a clean. If not you are fooling yourself.
If you can relate let’s have a conversation about where you feel lost and help you find your way to get moving forward towards what you desire to be creating next.
1:1 laser focused attention on you is what helps move faster now and during future events of freeze due to feeling “lost”.
Hiding in group programs won’t get you there. Get real direct with yourself if you’re all in on making shit happen.
Much love
Coach Jackie