Got to the airport and I had no flight with United on file. They blame Expedia and Expedia blames them. The change was in the Expedia app but United had no record apparently.
But then found a spot on the plane and charged me $150 for it. So did they just want the extra fee? Why didn’t they charge me for a whole new flight if they didn’t have me in there?
Things that make you go hmmmmm…..
Yes I was frustrated.
Yes I was rushed.
Yes I was confused.
Yes I was angry.
Paid the extra $150 and got to security. Forgot to eat my yogurt and they flagged it and threw it away. Tried calling Expedia and got nowhere. Moving on. Got to my gate just in time. On the plane and ready to go home!
I’m grateful. . .
I’m on my way to see my man and pups!
Mom is making progress!
Dad is in after the fall and the ER visit!
For my brother’s help through this time!
To get back to business and what I love!
For my health!
For love and God who supported me the whole way!
And yes you better believe it that I was chanting to myself the whole morning. . .
Feel free to steal that and use it every time you might feel like things aren’t working out!
Much love all!
Coach Jackie