There are so many beautiful women I have met over the years that I want to celebrate for being amazing!! Cheers to you all!
Today I want to celebrate one in particular and thats my step mom. The women who taught me in life how to be strong, stand up for me, get shit done, and be independent.
Yesterday in our visit together in the hospital I told her about my personal story book I’m writing this year.
The theme of my book is how the “I got it girl” who has survived her life through being in control and getting shit done!
But this “I got it girl” way of being comes from a place of fear and feeling alone. Holding on tightly to control of things is the only way they know how to survive.
The biggest thing missing with this way of being is love!
So what would love do?
When us “I got it girls” let go and release the need to be in this false sense of control and instead lean into trust, surrender and love, we move into a way of being that no longer just survives but thrives!
It’s scary to let go!
It’s all we know!
It’s how we have made it for the last 50 plus years!
I’m here to tell you it’s safe!
Safe to let go
Safe to let others help
Safe to be vulnerable
Safe to be sad, angry, frustrated
Safe to be happy, joyful, and at peace
Safe to receive and not have to give back
Safe to trust others, self and God
Safe to surrender
Safe to love
Love is the only way to true freedom in life for self.
Today I honor my step mom for letting me love her and support her during this time. It takes courage and bravery to let go and receive.
True strength is when we let go and let love lead the way.
Today take a moment and ask yourself how can you lead from love even more?
The question I ask daily, and even got it tattooed on my wrist, is “What would love do?” whenever I’m not sure of my next step.
Much love all
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom and Love Mentor