Woke up an hour earlier than I needed to do had extra time so I left for airport early so I could relax and have a nice breakfast once I got there.
Took first lyft for 45 minutes to the wrong airport. . .
Got my second lyft to the right airport and the guy told me his whole life story and business ventures and was able to give him some nuggets to help his ventures!
When I walked in the second airport the security guard had jokes! He told me Delta was at the other airport. My face must have been funny as hell!
I got to security quickly and only a few people so it should be quick. . .
10 people in line and 30 minutes later and a detailed bag check while they were training someone I got through.
Now I have the whole row to myself so more room than 1st class!! I can lay down if I want to!
The best part of it all was being able to wish so many people a happy Valentines love day and bring smiles to so many faces! 😍❤️😍❤️
Life is what we decide it to be! We get to choose how we respond to life!
Hope you had a happy valentines day my beautiful friends!
Love yourself and everyone around you every day!
Much love
Coach Jackie 😘