It seems that the last three years at this time I was getting refocused on my health journey. And many of the new people in my life are doing the same currently.
And today I woke up making this decision after enrolling over the weekend with a functional nutritionist to make choices that show my body, mind and soul how much I love it!
Yes that’s me so excited about tuna lettuce wraps!
I logically know what to do, eat, think etc but something each year was missing in the mix that didn’t make it a lifestyle committment.
That’s why I’m taking a different approach than I ever have in the past. No program, no diet, no cookie cutter system. Something curated just for me.
I’m ready to truly heal the second brain… the gut. And heal the wounds that could be keeping me held back from even more joy and love.
I’m going the exploration route of things regular medical docs will never look at or test. And learn more about me and what how my lifes events emotionally and physically have created my life today.
I love this life and this body just the way it is!
We get to desire more when we are good!
More health
More money
More love
More things
If we desire something it is meant for us because it comes from up above!
I encourage you to go for the things you desire! If you feel it in your heart and gut that you are meant for me. . . Do that!!
Need help I got you!
I’m excited to learn and grow over time and share this with you all! I pray daily that what I share inspires you to go for what it is you truly want in life.
You are worthy of it all!
Limitless value!
Total magic!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor and RV Adventurist