Powerful self-lead women coming together to walk side by side in rising up the mountain of life and business! ❤️
If you are a woman who knows the how and is self-lead this is for you!! ❤️🙌💯
You just need that support when that “itty bitty shitty committee” inside is holding you back from taking yourself to the next level of freedom, wealth and love! 🤗
You don’t need to be told what to do and actually you hate that!! 😉
You desire the wisdom of others stories and support through those sneaky thoughts telling you things that bring on doubt in your power.😍
You know you are meant for absolute greatness and want to go there with other women of power.🔥
You are a freedom seeker driven by the vision of the destiny you were born for!! 💫
You are a Destiny Maker!!
Here are the deets:
👉6 months to shift your life forever
👉Meets on Tuesday at 630pm est on live zoom calls
👉FB messenger support from the whole crew and me between sessions
👉Discounted rates on future programs
You already know the how girl!
Its time to deeply embody the why and fully awaken, empower and own the badass Destiny Maker in you!
Join the mastermind in June for 6 months and get my November Freedom and Adventure retreat included!!!
Let’s do this second half of the year powerfully and have a shit ton of fun doing it!!
Much love
Coach Jackie ❤️
Your Freedom Mentor
PM me with any questions! Curious if this is right for you? Let’s chat about it.