Ive heard this mostly in reference to raising kids but it pertains to all aspects of life.
Im finding this to be true as my family pulls together to care for the folks as much as we can.
Then it hit me. . . It takes a village to be successful in business!
Who is in your village?
Financial support?
Health support?
Mental support?
Spiritual support?
Technology support?
Business strategy support?
If not, why not?
What holds you back from having a village of support?
Just not sure?
You are not meant to do all the things yourself.
The I GOT IT girl syndrom is not a good future business plan! Trust me I know!
Im super grateful to myself for asking others to be part of my village. As a recovering I GOT IT girl this was hard for a long time.
From this experience the Freedom Creator Mastermind was birthed!
The Freedom Creator Mastermind is a magical container that you get a well rounded village to support you in all these areas in one place.
Financial freedom,
Business strategy,
Personal wellness,
Communication skills,
Emotional and spiritual support,
And the support of soul sisters that you get to walk side by side with along the journey!
If you are ready to feel fully supported along your journey to your next level freedom life this is the village you want to be in! We got your back!
Any questions message me. 6 to 12 months of this village will change your life!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Empowerment Mentor