It was funny hearing the travel and vacation styles of the different age ranges we were all at.
A couple a bit older and in retirement talked about how they have a planning weekend to plan their year of travel financially, and time-wise, and do check ins throughout the year to make sure they are on track. So many adventures planned and already done. Loved hearing what is possible!
The younger folks were figuring out life by the seat of their pants and doing what they can when they can. Totally remember being there and still am partial.
Then there is us in between both!
I just love talking about freedom living with people of all ages and backgrounds.
When we see or hear someone else’s life or story, it might seem better than yours, but take a moment and remember to be grateful and know your life is someone else’s dream life.
Cheers to what’s possible and grateful for what is. 🤗❤️🙏
Much love
Coach Jackie and Mike