Some next stage of your life!
Your own business!
It’s time to go from the employee same ol same same ol predictability to the possibility of entrepreneurship.
The ability to be your own boss and control your time and money however you want to.
This takes a plan.
My 5 parts Roadmap to Freedom plan:
Part 1: Vision Plan- Getting total clarity on what you want next and stepping into it as if it is already done. Coming from the place of possibility!
Part 2: Belief Plan- What does the person who already has the vision believe? Create statements that support this belief and rewire the brain to take actions towards that vision.
Part 3: Mindset Plan- How to go from an employee mindset to the an entrepreneur mindset so you can embrace the change that is about to happen.
Part 4: Financial Exit plan- Assessing and mapping out where you are currently and what steps need to help create a more possible safer way of taking the leap.
Part 5: Support plan- Customizing what is right for you from where you are at and the support you need before, during and after the transition that will make sense for you.
Your Roadmap to Freedom 5 week group program kicks off May 2nd!
🔥Weekly content and calls in private FB group (recordings available in group)
🔥Community of like minded people to support you between calls and during to travel journey.
🔥Between Session Support via FB group and messenger.
🔥Tools and resources throughout to help guide you.
It’s time to turn that freedom vision into a reality!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Empowerment Mentor