Couple of days ago I was on a group call with one of my coaches and fellow peers of mine and I was sharing all the beauty of my life right now and how I feel good about it all.
Then I shared the one where I felt off in. . . My health.
I started sharing and tears started welling in my eyes and was like “Wait!! I wasn’t planning on crying!” LOL
I’m in a weird duality in this area. I feel amazing in my body mind and soul. Pain-free, energetic, and yet my body is holding the highest weight I’ve been and continues to grow.
So I asked myself what’s wrong? (YES I know this is the wrong question to ask)
There must be something I need to heal, shift, and be aware of so I can shift this.
How could life be so good and my body weight not responding in the same way?
After the conversation we had on the call here is what we came up with. . .
What if there is nothing wrong?
Why does there have to be something mentally wrong?
Is there a pattern of awareness at this time of year that makes my body do this?
What if it’s that I’m 52 and hormones are shifting and need to go deeper with testing?
Could it be a summer pattern cause I am not a huge fan of heat and love being outside walking in nature and I don’t in the heat?
So the past two days I have been taking one step at a time and just asking myself this question. . .
What can I do today? At this moment.
God listened and lowered the temps and humidity in Virginia Beach so I’m out here walking and checking out the neighborhood.
And choosing meditations each day and breathing and pausing before each bite of food and sending love to my body.
These are things I can do right now.
Deciding each day what I will do to SAY YES TO SELF to love myself and my body.
Today is my next Free Masterclass all about this Say YES to SELF more.
Come join me at 3 pm EST Today and Tomorrow for 60 minutes each and we will be doing live coaching support for whatever comes up for you on the call.
Join here!
Much love all
Coach Jackie