1. It gets to be easy!
Everything about this retreat from the launch, selling out in 14 days, booking the chef, the massage therapist, the excursion, the gifts, all of it was one of the easiest things I have ever executed.
Then the day of packing everything into the truck, I had a moment. . . A moment where my old self was looking for the hard. Wondering where it was and how could I make it hard.
Overwhelm and tears took over for a minute.
I paused from doing things and took a few deep breaths and asked myself if it was true that something had to go wrong or be hard? The answer was no.
So I had a conversation with God and asked for a couple things.
🙏First to get everyone there safe and sound.
🙏Second for everyone to get exactly what they need from this container.
🙏Third was to help me trust in me and my gifts of just being there to hold space for everyone.
All of this happened and more! More than I ever could have visioned.
2. Be proud and own your magic!
After 30 years of leadership management in the restaurant industry I programmed myself to always give my team the credit for all of our successes. No matter what I let it be known that they created the wins every time.
So I caught myself every day during the retreat giving all of the credit for the magic to the women for fully showing up and being themselves.
Until they started to leave. . . I realized in that moment with tears streaming down my face that I co-created this.
🔥I had to go first!
🔥I created the container!
🔥I held a safe place for them to be them!
🔥I attracted magnificent women to the event!
🔥I asked the right questions!
🔥I held the energy!
🔥I brought the idea into fruition for all to have!
I talk a lot about Awakening, Empowering and Owning YOU and boy did these ladies do just that in only 3 days. And continue to connect daily to keep it going.
Now I OWN fully the statement that was once said to me. . .
“Jackie all you need to do is create and show up as you and the rest will happen. You don’t need to “try” to do anything to make it happen. It just does by being you.”
I own this magic SO that I can guide you to OWN yours!
Lets co-create more ladies!!
October retreat announcement will be Monday night! Sooo excited!!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor