It’s here again!!
This Thursday 5/23 at 4pm est 1pm pcf.
Step into your Freedom life vision NOW from a done place!
Register here:
Come with 2 to 3 goals you would like to accomplish by May 2025 and as a group we will speak into each others goals and dreams from an already done place.
This helps our brains believe it’s true and take action without the old story of doubt and fear getting in the way.
The energy is on fire in these sessions and you can’t help but leave ready to receive it all!
Info in the chat on how to join. If you have been to one in the past it is the same zoom link and you should recieve a reminder email for it.
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor
PS I’ll be announcing a bonus opportunity in this meeting!!
Photo taken at Lake Sylvan in Eagle Colorado where I could feel my future happening