Support You Replay
Support You Replay

It’s planning time and the one things we forget to plan is support for YOU!
What support do you have set up?
What support would you like to set up?
What support are you saying no to that you would really love to have?
Do you know what support for YOU truly means and looks like?
Support can be your loved ones around you but it can’t only be them. They aren’t meant to wear all the hats for you and you are not meant to wear all the hats for them!
What does your vision look like for next year and lets reverse engineer what support of that looks like for you that is aligned for you at this point in your life.
If getting support for self is a foreign concept for you like it was for me 4 years ago this is the masterclass for you! This never crossed my mind until I started this coaching business journey 4 years ago.
In this masterclass we will:
1. Define what support for YOU truly means
2. Define what kinds of support are available and find what is aligned for you at this point in your life
3. Design an outline of what support for all areas of life looks like for YOU for the new year.
We are not meant to do this thing called life alone!!
Thank God I discovered this finally at 47!
It’s your time to discover how worthy you are of what you desire and having the support to make this happen!