Take the pictures!


Dont wait!

Many times people have said to me “Jackie will you just be in the moment and stop taking so many pictures!” Im so glad I didnt listen.

Capturing moments like coffee time with dad on these final mornings together will forever be with me no matter what happens.

Yes I just woke up and I didnt get myself “ready” to take the picture. I don’t care! And you shouldn’t either.

You might think that you dont look good enough right now and shy away from being in your family pics. Dont leave your family without memories of you to talk about.

Get in the pic!

Yes I know the memories are in our hearts and minds but now I get to share these moments with my grandkids when I tell my stories of dad when he is gone.

Take the pics!
Get in the pics!
Capture the moments!
Life is too short to not enjoy!!

Much love
Coach Jackie