Thank you. . .
For my life
For my mind
For my body
For the food that nourishes me
For the the home that protects me
For the people that surround me
For the activities that interest me
For the abundance of blessings in my life
For the gift of another beautiful day
For the love that fills my heart all the time
For my health
For the supportive relationships that uplift and inspire me
For the opportunites that allow me to grow and learn
For the challenges that help me become stronger and wiser
For the beauty that surrounds me
For the lessons that guide me
For the joy that fills my heart
For my friends
For my mentors that have helped me
For the strength to overcome tough times
For the enjoyment of the good times
For the freedom to choose and create my own path
For the deep and meaningful connections in my life
For the inspiration that fuels me
For my mistakes for they have made me wiser
For the chance to make a positive impact on this world
For this moment of peace
For helping me realize how special I am
For the gift of this life
For the ability to forgive, let go and move on
For the kindness of strangers
For the support of those who stand by me
What are you thankful for today?
I mean that deep in your soul, body feeling gratitude that brings you to tears thankfulness!
Much love
Coach Jackie