Yesterday I got the chance to show Mike this peace park and an example of the Sedona energy.
For me it was the medicine wheel. Last time I walked it I burst into tears at the first stop representing child years. I didnt realize the healing that I still needed to do there. The energy literally held me there for some time to let me cry and release.
This time I walked through that with ease and grace and when I got to third stop for the elderly I burst into tears again. I am in the raw healing now around all that has happened with my parents and still will be happening in the future.
I felt lighter both times. Every person’s experience in this park is different. Just like life.
I was curious how this all hit home for Mike but I wasn’t going to ask because it’s a personal experience.
As we were walking out he told me that his never ending pain and tightness in his hip and groin area was gone and he felt great. This is not normal after walking any distance and especially up hills and stuff.
Thank you healing powers! Inner trauma release!
I’m no expert in the power of the energy in this area but I know what I feel and experience personally and it’s beautiful. We are all energy!
And when we finally wake up and let ourself feel and pay attention to our body we can release and heal.
Much love
Jackie and Mike