“The moment I embrace my peace within and surrender the outcome is the moment that the Universe can truly work!”
Perfect card pull again for where many of us are in our journey.
We are holding on tight to what is or what we think it should look like and completely blocking what is trying to get to us!
Imagine that everything you are holding onto is a ball and you have your hands and arms full of all the balls and holding on tight so nothing drops or gets away!
The ex-relationship that hurt you
The money challenge was a struggle
The weight that isn’t coming off
The fear of change
The parent that messed you up
(Insert stories that are creating your beliefs.)
Then there is this beautiful golden ball that you want so badly that God/Universe is trying to throw at you but you can’t catch it cause your arms are so full already. So it keeps bouncing off and back to where it came from.
WHAT IF. . .
You let go of the balls that no longer serve you and free up the ability to receive the golden ball?
This is a choice you GET TO make and are in control of making and no one else can make it for you.
What is your golden ball that you want so badly and you keep thinking it’s never going to happen for you?
You ask over and over why it doesn’t happen for you and it’s happening for others?
You get to receive your Golden Ball!
ONLY if you’re willing to let go of the balls that are filling up your ability to catch the golden ball.
Are you willing to drop them and release so you can receive?
Join me in letting go of all the balls that no longer serve us!
(Some of you might giggle at this because we think alike lol but keep focused on the meaning of this post! Lol)
What’s your golden ball?
Much love
Coach Jackie