Coming off of Halloween I have been loving all the kiddos costumes but what I have been loving even more is the adults in costumes like buzz lightyear, ragedy ann, and disney characters!!
Because it brings this amazing feeling inside of them that gives them the right to just BE them.
Their true selves.
Their fearless inner child
Who they once were before life told them differently.
We think it’s a costume just for the night when in reality the real costume we are hiding behind is what we wear day to day for others.
What is possible if we shed the costume of who we “should be”, or who we think “we should be” and stepped into our true selves?
Awakened the inner fearless, fun, joyful child inside and empowered her to truly own who they are!
🙌Let her go for her dreams and desires and not hold back for anything or anyone!
🙌Let her be silly, messy, awkward, and fully loved through it all!
🙌Let her feel all the feels without judgement and know she is safe.
Being a Freedom Mentor for others I get asked all the time what Freedom really means to me.
Freedom is getting back to you and loving you fully. Thats where the magic begins!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor and RV Adventurist
📸 We did cowboy and cowgirl with the kids but these were everyday outfits for us. 🤣😜😉