My mom did! ❤️❤️❤️
I only got to spend my first five years of life with her before God took her to be the Italian chef for heaven. 😉❤️😘
My brother told me that when I was born she said (After 5 kids) I’m done. She is my gift!
Every time my dad sees me he tells me how much I’m like her. My heart, my nature, and my ability to bring people together and feel welcome and at home.
A kind woman who I had never met yet came to my Support You Masterclass on January 4th and she stopped at the end and shared how much she could feel my heart and that everyone should work with such a person. (I told her the check was in the mail! 🤣🤣🤣)
I Receive that. I Empower that. I Own that.
It took me 50 years to know this for myself and believe in my gifts and inner power, but I truly know it now. 💯🙌❤️
This little girl is magic and always has been!
She now knows that it is her mission to help others own their magic. be free to be them fully and know that’s enough!
If you haven’t found your little one’s magic inside of you lately let me help you awaken her!
It’s time to come out and play!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor and RV Adventurist