It could have been $600 instead of $1200 for the flight
It could have been $800 instead of $1200 for dog care
It could have been $2000 instead of $2600 for the trip
It could have been $0 instead of $70 for bags checked
We could have canceled it all and said we cant do this because business is down since I went away for two months for dad.
Instead we chose to stay in abundance and do the upgraded hotel, book the closer flight, book the full service dog care (thank God because Roxy got sick and they cared her back to health), do the convenience of checking bags.
We are choosing to live our life for today and tomorrow at the same time.
Cause let’s be honest. . .we could die tomorrow for any unknown reason.
Life is too long to live miserably and too short to not enjoy!! So collect all the high vibe moments you can!
Choose to live from a grateful, abundant, joyful, trusting loving place.
These are the higher frequency ways of being so ultimately you will attract more of this if you choose to live there.
Even in the duality of pain and sadness you can see and feel these states of being if you choose to.
If you’re not sure how this works stay in my world, work with me, read my posts, feel my energy and I’ll share how the duality of life can be high frequency no matter what.
My clients say that after working with me they see how they can be in peace through the chaos and feel the love in all situations. I’m not speaking about toxic positivity btw.
BE Empowerful is my next 6 week pop-up group that goes live in March.
If you desire to feel more, be more, and love more this is container for you! PM me for the details.
Much love
Coach Jackie