As I create this I have thoughts of being “humble” and changing it back to thanking everyone else in my life for being amazing.
Humble definition: to have or show a low estimate of ones importance.
Generationally we have been taught that being humble is good. Lowering ones importance is good. To not show our greatness is good.
Hmmm I call bullshit!
I’m so thankful that…
I’m fricken amazing!
I’m loving
I’m joyful
I’m funny (at least I think so. . .🤣)
I’m thoughtful
I’m smart
I’m creative
I’m relentless
I’m inspiring
I’m a leader
I’m vulnerable
I’m beautiful inside and out
And so much more!
When I Awaken my dreams and share them unapologetically others will do the same by my side.
When I Empower my gifts and stand in certainty of my greatness others get to stand in theirs along side me without shame or guilt.
When I Own my greatness others can see clearly thier own light and walk with me to light up the world.
Take a moment today and give thanks for you. Everything about you that makes you a gift from God that changes the world around you.
Without your greatness so much would not exist. No one can be you.
It all starts with being thankful for self and all our greatness we have to impact the world just by being ourself!
You be you boo and love the crap out you today!!
Much love
Coach Jackie
Your Freedom Mentor